Farmers 4 Future! Call Pantasema 2021

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4 infos on WWOOF & our calls
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per info su WWOOFING
e le nostre calls di volontariato
#1 Cultivate with us Biodiversity thru Natural Farming
cultivate our large educational vegetable garden using in practice the different methods of natural farming and sustainable agriculture
Coltiva con noi Bio Diversità con la Agricoltura Naturale
coltiva il nostro grande orto didattico sperimentando differenti metodi sostenibili di agricoltura naturale
daily care
hoe and care our natural and educational vegetable garden, learn, practice and share synergic and organic-regenerative agriculture techniques based on simple agronomic and ecological principles
periodical care
join us with the seasonal operations of our educational field (preparation, cultivation, gather, harvest) help to organize and realize a really natural educational garden improving techniques and ideas
weekly educational activities
help us to organize and manage the weekly social educational scheduled activities (#Zappachetipassa; AgrisociaLabs) and events (Open Days) involving adults and kids to be active farmers taking action with us to hoe and care the natural garden for a day or just a few of hours in order to learn the principles and techniques of natural agriculture, know & protect the bio-diversity, live some hours of active outdoor on the ground…
#2 Care with us the lovely Farm Animals & Pets
look after our lovely farm animals and pets, milk the goats, care the chicken cops and the stable, provide feed and a care for all our little friends well-being
25+Goats (“Camosciata” breed), 30+ Chickens Gooses and Ducks, 14 Cats, 2 Dogs (Kobane and Lola!)….
our little friends can’t wait to meet you both at Pantasema and at Wiki Hostel (the house of our organization and our common house)
Prendiamoci cura dei piccoli Animali da Fattoria e Pets
capre, galline, oche, cani, gatti… da nutrire, curare, coccolare….
daily care
feeding, watering and milking: help us to operate the daily routine every day on morning and sunset… and never forget to pay attention, care and pet our lovely little friends many times as you can 😉
periodical care
join us with the cleaning and little maintenance of the stable and the henhouse to ensure health and well-being to our little friends; help to project, organize and build a good and ethical environment!
#3 Practice with us Social Inclusion & Outdoor Education
facilitate social and inclusive, agri-cultural and educational activities and events (#Zappachetipassa; AgriSocial Lab;Open Days);
Pratica con noi Inclusione Sociale e Educazione in Natura
facilita i laboratori, le attività gli eventi AgriCulturali di di agricoltura sociale attraverso la inclusione e la outdoor education
social inclusion
cultivate equality, facilitate the actions involving ‘fragile’ individuals or groups of people, adults and kids having special needs for whom we organize special activities and projects in cooperation with partner ngos and social institutions, help us to organize and build useful methods and tools
#4 Make goats cheese
Supporta la ‘Piccola Formaggeria Sociale’
Support the Piccola Formaggeria Sociale our small goat cheese factory help us to make Goats Cheese (“ricotta” and more) and cooperate to the daily activities (production, maintenance, cleaning) of our little and social cheese factory “Piccola Formaggeria Sociale” and you will also support an action specifically oriented to improve self-financing for the projects and jobs opportunities also havig the feature of social inclusion
#5 Join the ‘farmer markets’
Supporta la ‘Piccola Formaggeria Sociale’
Help to organize our presence and Stall at the local “farmer markets” in order to promote products and projects. Engage people in our activities, share natural social farming and volunteer good practices. Actively support the self-financing of our project thru the selling of products of cheeses, sauces, and gadjets. We are part of several farmer markets communities as Coltivendo Farmer Market at Zagarolo, Bio-Mercato La Certosa at Rome, Mercato Contadino dei Castelli at Ariccia.
#6 Share your talent!
Supporta la ‘Piccola Formaggeria Sociale’
Do you have any artigianal, artistical, abilities? tell us your skill! We are always enthusiast to share Do It Yourself projects in order to build the best environment and facilities to welcome people and volunteers both at Pantasema and Wiki Hostel (our house). Do you have educational, communication abilities? Tell us, we are always curios to innovate our not-formal education actions and the promotion and comunication intitiative.
#7 Be part of our Wiki Hostel Family
we welcome you with all our Wiki Hostel Family and the the FREE HOSTEL action guaranteed by WIKI HOSTEL
we will share with you all our experience, we ask a positive social attitude and full cooperation 😉
Free Hostel Hospitality
Informazioni sulla ospitalità per volontar*
Promemoria: We welcome our volunteer at Wiki Hostel “our house”, the agricultural activities are organized at Pantasema (6 km from Wiki). All rides between Wiki Hostel and Pantasema are ensured by our crew (passage by car). We ask for 6 hours of help / 6 days per week. We offer to our volunteer Wiki Hostel as FREE HOSTEL: stay in ensuite large bright ensuite dorm (male/female only) plus breakfast, lunch and dinner. We provide free wi-fi and Wiki Hostel offers also a huge green oasis (with a lot of common indoor outdoor area and super sweet pets) actually only reserved for the stay to traveller volunteers (not to commercial tourism as we used to do before the Covid Pandemia). The breakfast is arranged individually, we ask full cooperation to co-living and the organization of meals. Volunteers eat together, we also share also the table for lunch or dinner with our volunteers and friends any time we can. We can arrange vegetarian option for the meals, if you are vegetarian please tell us BEFORE your arrival! A lot of pets and small farm’s animal co-live with us at Wiki Hostel and Pantasema, they live outdoor (not indoor). In order to be our volunteer is it mandatory to love animals & pets as they are fully part of our family and crew. And we can not wait to welcome you 😉
L’accoglienza è nella nostra casa a Wiki Hostel, le attività sul campo si svolgono a Pantasema (6 km da Wiki). Gli spostamenti tra Wiki e Pantasema per chi è privo di mezzi propri sono garantiti dalla nostra crew (passaggio auto). Le attività della Call prevedono un aiuto di 6 ore al giorno / 6 giorni a settimana. Offriamo ai volontari accoglienza in dorm (camera comune con bagno, solo maschile o solo femminile) e vitto per 3 pasti. La preparazione della colazione è in autonomia, il pranzo e la cena vengono preparati dai volontari in cooperazione con la nostra crew. I pasti sono condivisi tra i volontari e spesso anche con noi host. Per i pasti è possibile scegliere la opzione vegetariana, segnalatecelo in anticipo prima del vostro arrivo! Convivono con noi (all’aperto non indoor) cani e gatti a Wiki Hostel e a Pantasema, oltre gli animali da fattoria. Per essere dei nostri è necessario amare i piccoli amici a 4 zampe 😉
Covid Prevention Measures
Misure di Prevenzione Covid
Important COVID prevention measures! We cooperate all together to ensure safety from Covid to everybody (our crew, volunteers and people involved in the activities & events). This is the reason we ask you to renovate your COVID TEST (“tampone”) 2 / 3 days before you arrival at Wiki Hostel, travel only if negative to Covid (and without any flu in the previous 14 days) and take the test with you so ti show it to us on arrival. And obviously we ask to do not travel and arrive in case of Covid or flu. When at Wiki or Pantasema, we ask to respect the safety operations in the cleaning, co-living and social spacing. Indoor we also ask to wear mask till this measure it is mandatory in Italy. Outdoor we ask to wear masks when social distance is not possible… Tks in advance for your cooperation 😉 Together we can do it!
Importante prevenzione COVID! Cooperiamo assieme per la tutela della salute pubblica e prevenire il dilagare della pandemia Covid per ciascuno di noi (crew, volontari, destinatari delle attività dei progetti). Per questo ti chiediamo di rinnovare il TAMPONE COVID 2 / 3 giorni prima dell’arrivo a Wiki Hostel, viaggiare solo se negativo al test (e senza febbre o sintomi influenzali nei precedenti 14 giorni), porta il test con te e mostralo all’arrivo. Durante il tuo soggiorno con noi a Wiki o nell attività a Pantasema ti chiediamo di rispettare le misure di prevenzione e distanziamento, utilizzare il gel e indossare negli spazi interni la mascherina (e alcune volte anche all’esterno nel caso nel corso di alcune attività non sia possibile mantenere una ragionevole ampia e sicura distanza)… Grazie in anticipo per la cooperazione 😉 Together we can do it!
Be part of our Wiki Family
Entra nella nostra grande ‘famiglia’
Find more about us visting the PROGETTO page here on our web site, full infos about us (CHI SIAMO) available both in italian and english language.